If you’re currently playing through Mother of Frankenstein and looking for a bit of help, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re not playing yet, then get the heck out of here before you spoil things for yo urself.
Volume 1
What am I supposed to do here?
You’re trying to order the 12 song fragments on the large music sheet by completing the three exercises. Use Mary’s music notes to learn how to read music (if you don’t know how already) and then begin with Exercise 1.
I don’t understand Exercise 1.
It’s basically a musical sudoku, meaning all the lines need to add up to 5 beats. The four options you have to fill in the four blanks are made up of ½ beat, 1 beat, 1½ beats, and 2 beats. Each column, row, quadrant, and diagonal will have one from each of those four categories (because ½ + 1 + 1½ + 2 = 5). Enter the four given fragments into the chart so that everything adds up correctly.
I filled out Exercise 1 but can’t relate it to the sheet with the 12 song fragments.
The four fragments you placed in the chart are only present in one song each. Figure out which song has each of the four fragments. Then, whatever number is shown in the upper right of that square (i.e. "Song 2") is where that song goes in the final order.
Whoa. Exercise 2 is crazy. I need help.
Yeah, this one’s a doozy. Let’s start simple. See the rhythmic fragment shown in the upper-right corner of the chart, where the B-flat row meets the A column? Well it turns out that fragment can only be found in the songs on the sheet with the 12 song fragments that are in the keys of B flat and A!
I need more help than that to conquer the beast that is Exercise 2!
Fair enough. Take a look at the rhythm in the bottom left corner of the chart. If you can find the two songs on the large sheet with the song fragments that feature that rhythm, you can fill in the sharp key that goes with the first column of the chart and the flat key that goes with the bottom row! Also, don’t forget that the rules of Sudoku still apply, so all the rows, columns, quadrants, and diagonals will add up to 5 beats. That means a ½-beat fragment can’t share a row, column, diagonal, or quadrant with any other ½-beat fragment. The same goes for the 1-beat, 1½-beat, and 2-beat fragments.
I filled in Exercise 2, but there are two possible solutions for each square in the grid.
The solutions to Exercise 1 eliminate half of those possibilities.
I want to skip ahead to Exercise 3, but I think I need to know the solutions to the first two exercises in order to do so.
Very true! Here you go:
Marie de la Lune
Honeysuckle Love
The Boys of the Old Brigade
My Love Has Sailed Away
Alas, Poor Jonah
Hymn in the Key of F
The Death of Revolution
I Came Upon a Wounded Hart
How can I solve Exercise 3? This is totally subjective!
True. Thankfully, Mary had some conversations on just these subjects with Percy Shelley (in the love letters contained within the Music envelope).
I found the conversation that relates to Exercise 3, but I don’t see how it helps.
Percy and Mary agree on which two themes are the most artistically valuable, but they disagree on the order. Mary then weighs in on Bach vs. Mozart. Remember, you're looking for Mary's opinion, not Percy's.
I’ve figured out what order the themes would go in for Exercise 3, but how does that relate to the songs?
The four remaining songs each relate to one of the four themes that Mary and Percy are discussing. Consider the titles.
I’ve put all the songs in order. Now what?
Now you have to associate each song with one of the symbols on the ring pieces. Look to the titles.
I’ve read all these hints and I’m still lost.
Then we recommend you copy the solution you'll find inside the Music envelope and move on to another assignment. Remember, the goal here is to have fun! If this puzzle isn't your cup of tea, move on to a different one. You’ll like it better. We promise.
I’ve put the letters in order and verified that order here in the hints. Now what?
Use the notations (blue text) beginning with Mary’s opening letter and proceeding through the 15 love letters in order. The notations are organized in groups of fours. The first two tell you how to arrange the three rings (keep in mind the innermost ring should never move), the next two tell you where you should draw a line on the reverse side of the large astronomy chart. Repeat the process four times.
I need help with "Mane and jaws meets stinger and claws."
Align LION with SCORPIO (without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "From the depths ____ the great ____, blowing his plume of spume."
Align ROSE with WHALE (maintaining the alignment of the previous riddle and without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "In a duel, I pierce...in a duet, so might I."
Draw a line connecting the ruby closest to the SWORD symbol to the ruby closest to the RECORDER symbol.
I need help with "An animal meets a stellar mate."
Align LION with LEO (without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "An emotional conversation is said to be ____ to ____ (but with homonyms)."
Align DEER (hart) with HEART (maintaining the alignment of the previous riddle and without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "I serve at the pleasure of the king...and I for his pleasure."
Draw a line connecting the ruby closest to the SOLDIER symbol to the ruby closest to the JESTER CAP symbol.
I need help with "One fears a black flag, the other a red one."
Align SHIP with TAURUS (without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "A brief honey____ and a lifetime of servitude: the promise made by these smallest of shackles."
Align MOON and WEDDING RINGS (maintaining the alignment of the previous riddle and without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "I am a hungry creature...and I, the creator of her favorite treat."
Draw a line connecting the ruby closest to the BEAR symbol to the ruby closest to the BEE symbol.
I need help with "A warrior meets the god to whom he’s pledged."
Align SOLDIER and ARIES (without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "One is to take wing, the other simply to exist."
Align FLY with BEE (maintaining the alignment of the previous riddle and without moving the innermost ring).
I need help with "I sing in the ocean...and the ocean sings in me."
Draw a line connecting the ruby closest to the WHALE symbol to the ruby closest to the CONCH SHELL symbol.
I’ve drawn the four lines. Now what?
All four lines should align with a set of letters (on the reverse side of the astronomy chart) that spell out Mary, Percy, and Claire’s next destination (i.e. the answer to the question on the Solution envelope).
Just tell me what I should write on the Solution envelope so I can open this thing.
Castle Frankenstein. (Seems pretty obvious in retrospect, doesn’t it?)
Volume 2
The Ball
What am I supposed to do here?
You need to completely fill out the chart labelled, “Where were the four of us at each half-hour?” You’ll need everything included in Volume Two except the research journal and the castle floor plan (i.e. the jigsaw puzzle) to finish this task. If you get stuck on any individual slot, we’ve created hints for each one. The title of the hint will tell you which documents to check, so you can still try to solve it on your own. The hint itself will give the full solution just for that slot.
I’ve been working on this for a while and I’m stuck. Help!
The best way to solve this puzzle is to very slowly consider each document and what it tells you. Don’t let your team split up and look at different documents at the same time; look at everything together. If you get stuck on any individual slot, we’ve created hints for each one. The title of the hint will tell you which documents to check, so you can still try to solve it on your own. The hint itself will give the full solution just for that slot.
Mary's Locations
7:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Ballroom. “The famous trio arrived in the ballroom right on time.”
7:30 (Before revealing, complete the rest of Mary's schedule and check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Library. “Over the course of the evening, Miss Godwin was spotted sneaking into the castle library on two separate occasions.”
8:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Courtyard. “About an hour after the party got under way, the infamous menage announced their need of fresh air.”
8:30 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Withdrawing Room. “About an hour after the party got under way, the infamous menage announced their need of fresh air...Miss Godwin then retired to the withdrawing room...”
9:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and The Ballroom Drawing )
The Courtyard.
“...the Baron was not seen until his first orangerie tour, appearing in a foppish top hat and holding a cane” and “Eyebrows were raised when young Miss Godwin, her eyes clearly red from crying, was spotted in the courtyard talking closely with the host of the evening’s festivities.”
Mary and Dippel (see the top hat) can be seen speaking outside in the courtyard. The clock shows 9pm.
9:30 (Before revealing, check The Dining Schedule and The Invitation )
The Dining Room.
“All remaining guests shall dine at 21:30, by which time they will surely be exceedingly hungry.”
G (for Godwin) is not the first letter of any of the elements or the principles of alchemy.
10:00 (Before revealing, complete the rest of Mary's schedule and check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Library. “Over the course of the evening, Miss Godwin was spotted sneaking into the castle library on two separate occasions.”
10:30 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and The Billiards Sign-up Sheet )
The Billiards Room.
Mary wants to “hazard a round of that silly game the men love so much,” and at 11:00, it’s mentioned that Mary has “an odd blueish dust on [her] fingers.”
“22:30 – The Champion vs. Mr. Craftstonewoll” (Mary’s mother’s name was Mary Wollstonecraft.)
11:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Withdrawing Room. “The menfolk were all seen to retire to the sticks and balls at eleven, while the women withdrew to the chamber appointed for that purpose.”
11:30 (Before revealing, check The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet )
The Orangerie. “23:30 – LI, MG, TT” (Mary’s last name is Godwin.)
12:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and The Mysterious Letter )
The Laboratory.
“At the stroke of midnight...the host of the party and a certain young lady...were conspicuously absent. However, your intrepid correspondent spotted two silhouettes in a window lit by the nub of a candle...”
The candle was in the window of the laboratory, and has now burned down to a nub (see hint for Claire at 10:00).
Percy's Locations
7:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Ballroom. “The famous trio arrived in the ballroom right on time.”
7:30 (Before revealing, check The Dining Schedule and The Invitation )
The Dining Room. “Surnames beginning with the same letter as begins any of the three principles of alchemy shall be invited to the first seating at 19:30.”
8:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Courtyard. “About an hour after the party got under way, the infamous menage announced their need of fresh air.”
8:30 (Before revealing, check Eleganza Düssmeister’s Dance Card )
The Ballroom. “8:30 - Les Lanciers - Shelley”
9:00 (Before revealing, check Eleganza Düssmeister’s Dance Card )
The Stables. “8:30 - Les Lanciers - Shelley” followed by “9:00 - A Roll in the Hay - See Above”
9:30 (Before revealing, check The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet and The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Orangerie.
“21:30 – RB, ED, BS, RR, IP, ‘TIAC’” (“TIAC” is Percy.)
“Percy Shelley downed half a bottle of champagne within his first five minutes and immediately began insisting everyone refer to him as ‘The Illustrious Abracadabra.’”
10:00 (Before revealing, check The Mysterious Note , The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet , The Courtyard Drawing , Mary’s Opening Letter , and The Castle Floor Plan )
The Laboratory.
“My darling P...As soon as you’ve finished admiring the pretty fruit trees, come meet me where the candle glows. -C”
“21:30 – RB, ED, BS, RR, IP, “TIAC” (“TIAC” is Percy.)
There’s a candle burning in the tower window.
The laboratory is in the tower.
10:30 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and Eleganza Düssmeister’s Dance Card )
The Ballroom.
“Percy Shelley downed half a bottle of champagne within his first five minutes and immediately began insisting everyone refer to him as ‘The Illustrious Abracadabra.’”
“10:30 - Polka - The Illustrious A. Cadabra”
11:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Billiards Room. “The menfolk were all seen to retire to the sticks and balls at eleven, while the women withdrew to the chamber appointed for that purpose.”
11:30 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and The Billiards Sign-up Sheet )
The Billiards Room.
“Percy Shelley downed half a bottle of champagne within his first five minutes and immediately began insisting everyone refer to him as ‘The Illustrious Abracadabra.’”
“23:30 – Jakob Grimm vs. Monsieur Cadabra”
12:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Dining Room. “At the stroke of midnight, all of the guests were told to convene in the dining room for champagne, but the host of the party and a certain young lady [i.e. Mary Godwin] (whose own partner [i.e. Percy Shelley] could be found canoodling with Miss Claremont) were conspicuously absent.”
Claire's Locations
7:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Ballroom. “The famous trio arrived in the ballroom right on time.”
7:30 (Before revealing, check The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet )
The Orangerie. “19:30 – WG, LY, CC, DS, FP, GT, JG”
8:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Courtyard. “About an hour after the party got under way, the infamous menage announced their need of fresh air.”
8:30 (Before revealing, complete the rest of Claire's schedule and check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Kitchen. “Miss Claremont...was spotted sneaking into the kitchen no fewer than three times.”
9:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and The Ballroom Drawing )
The Ballroom.
“Miss Claremont...was spotted sneaking into the kitchen no fewer than three times—and each time leaving with cake icing smeared across her cheeks.”
“He then started up a wild, obscene dance with Miss Claremont (wearing a truly hideous tiara festooned with faux gemstones).” A woman in a tiara can be seen eating cake. The clock shows 9pm.
9:30 (Before revealing, check The Mysterious Note , The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet , The Courtyard Drawing , Mary’s Opening Letter , and The Castle Floor Pla )
The Laboratory.
“My darling P: I’m off to build us a little lover’s nest. As soon as you’ve finished admiring the pretty fruit trees, come meet me where the candle glows. -C”
“21:30 – RB, ED, BS, RR, IP, “TIAC” (“TIAC” is Percy)
There’s a candle burning in the tower window.
The laboratory is in the tower.
10:00 (Before revealing, check The Mysterious Note , The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet , The Courtyard Drawing , Mary’s Opening Letter , and The Castle Floor Plan )
The Laboratory.
“My darling P: I’m off to build us a little lover’s nest. As soon as you’ve finished admiring the pretty fruit trees, come meet me where the candle glows. -C”
“21:30 – RB, ED, BS, RR, IP, “TIAC” (“TIAC” is Percy)
There’s a candle burning in the tower window.
The laboratory is in the tower.
10:30 (Before revealing, complete the rest of Claire's schedule and check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Kitchen. “Miss Claremont...was spotted sneaking into the kitchen no fewer than three times.”
11:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Withdrawing Room. “The menfolk were all seen to retire to the sticks and balls at eleven, while the women withdrew to the chamber appointed for that purpose.”
11:30 (Before revealing, complete the rest of Claire's schedule and check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Kitchen. “Miss Claremont...was spotted sneaking into the kitchen no fewer than three times.”
12:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Dining Room. “At the stroke of midnight, all of the guests were told to convene in the dining room for champagne, but the host of the party and a certain young lady [i.e. Mary Godwin] (whose own partner [i.e. Percy Shelley] could be found canoodling with Miss Claremont) were conspicuously absent.”
Dippel's Locations
7:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Laboratory. “...the Baron was not seen until his first orangerie conservatory tour, appearing in a foppish top hat and holding a cane. He apologized for his rudeness, claiming to have been absorbed by some experiment in his laboratory.”
7:30 (Before revealing, check The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet )
The Orangerie. “Sign up here for tours of the orangerie provided by the good Baron himself”
8:00 (Before revealing, check Eleganza Düssmeister’s Dance Card )
The Ballroom. “8:00 - Polka - Dippel”
8:30 (Before revealing, check The Dining Schedule )
The Dining Room. “The second seating will take place at 20:30, when previously unseated guests...shall have the distinct pleasure of dining with the host of the ball.”
9:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and The Ballroom Drawing )
The Courtyard.
“...the Baron was not seen until his first orangerie conservatory tour, appearing in a foppish top hat and holding a cane,” and “Eyebrows were raised when young Miss Godwin, her eyes clearly red from crying, was spotted in the courtyard talking closely with the host of the evening’s festivities.”
Mary and Dippel (see the top hat) can be seen speaking outside in the courtyard. The clock shows 9pm.
9:30 (Before revealing, check The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet )
The Orangerie. “Sign up here for tours of the orangerie provided by the good Baron himself at 19:30, 21:30, and 23:30.”
10:00 (Before revealing, check The Mysterious Note , The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet , The Courtyard Drawing , Mary’s Opening Letter , The Castle Floor Plan , and The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Kitchen.
The Courtyard Drawing potrays the castle at 10:00. (See hint for Claire at 10:00.)
“...the Baron was not seen until his first orangerie conservatory tour, appearing in a foppish top hat and holding a cane.”
A man wearing a top hat stands in a doorway.
The building in question is the kitchen.
10:30 (Before revealing, check The Invitation and The Billiards Sign-up Sheet )
The Billiards Room.
“Baron von Dippel VI (Or “The Champion,” as he’s affectionately known in the Billiards Room)”
“22:30 – The Champion vs. Mr. Craftstonewoll”
11:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad )
The Billiards Room. “The menfolk were all seen to retire to the sticks and balls at eleven, while the women withdrew to the chamber appointed for that purpose.”
11:30 (Before revealing, check The Orangerie Sign-up Sheet )
The Orangerie. “Sign up here for tours of the orangerie provided by the good Baron himself...”
12:00 (Before revealing, check The Female Tatler Abroad and The Mysterious Letter )
The Laboratory.
“At the stroke of midnight...the host of the party and a certain young lady...were conspicuously absent. However, your intrepid correspondent spotted two silhouettes in a window lit by the nub of a candle...”
The candle was in the window of the laboratory, and has now burned down to a nub. (See hint for Claire at 10:00.)
I want to verify my finished schedule. (This will reveal the entire completed chart.)
The Research Journal
Volume 3
Puzzle 1 (page 96)
What do I do here?
You’re trying to translate the symbols at the bottom of the page. Each eye is a letter of the alphabet.
How do I start filling in the letters?
Well you’ve been given arrows, so try drawing lines from each arrow (use a pencil so you can correct if need be). Keep in mind this puzzle is about reflection.
I need more than that.
You want to draw each line as if it were a beam of light and each of the angled lines were a mirror reflecting that line at a perpendicularly (since the angle of the lines is 45 degrees).
Give me a couple of letters so I know how to start.
The top two eyes are a U and a W.
Okay just give me all the letters.
Proceeding top to bottom and always left to right: U, W, J, L, G, O, S, P, C, Q, M
I filled in all the letters from the eyes but I still don’t know what to do.
There’s a pattern to how the eyes have been constructed. You can work it out from what you have.
Can you just tell me the pattern?
Sure. Each grouping of five letters has a generalized eye type. The first has the curly eyebrow. The second is a crescent. The third has the arching eyebrow. The fourth has half of the lid down. The fifth has the the U-shaped eyebrow. Then, the pupil moves in the same order each time: Centered, Center-Down, Center-Up, Left, Right.
I just want the solution to this puzzle!
Because there’s a (small) reward at the end of these three puzzles, we’re not gonna just give you the solution!
Puzzle 2 (pages 174-175)
How do I start?
Begin by reading the story and figuring out what word every symbol stands for.
I need help with one of the symbols.
[A chart linking each symbol to its word. In the order they appear in the story, that’s: fire, woord, trees, lost, berries, mushrooms, cow, milk, vegetables, garden].
Okay I figured out all the symbols. What do I do with these weird phrases and the crossword puzzle?
You want to fill in the crossword puzzle with the symbol-translation words from the story. However, the monster doesn’t understand English very well, so he’s sounding everything out phonetically. You’ll have to translate.
I need help with a particular crossword clue. Not the answer, just the translation.
Can you just show me the filled out crossword?.
[Picture of filled out crossword.].
I filled out the crossword. Now what?
Now you’re going to want to draw lines on the crossword puzzle, always connecting the symbol of each word (from the story, each of which you’ll find inside the crossword puzzle) with the symbol you find to the left of the corresponding phrase beneath the puzzle (each of which you’ll find in a little circle around the periphery of the puzzle).
Can you just tell me the solution?
Because there’s a (small) reward at the end of these three puzzles, we’re not gonna just give you the solution!
Puzzle 3 (page 269)
NOTE: We discovered a catastrophic error was introduced into this puzzle during its transition from design to publication. This was entirely the fault of Hatch, not Rita Orlov, who designed the puzzles. You can download the correct version [here].
Where do I start?
You’ll need to go back to the chapters described at the top of the page and write out the doctor’s itinerary, then follow that line across the map and write out the corresponding letters.
I want to double-check the itinerary.
Strasburgh, Manheim, Mayence, Cologne, Rotterdam, Gravesend, Windsor, Oxford, Matlock, Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Perth, Orkneys
I followed the line and I think I have it. Can you tell me what it should say?
First off, make sure you’ve downloaded the correct version of the puzzle [here] (the version in the book has an error). The letters should say: RIGHT FROM CORK INCREASES PTS.
I don’t know what that means.
It means you now need to start at Cork and move right, always choosing to arrive in a location whose symbol has one more “point” than the previous symbol. Cork has one point (the top of the teardrop) and if you’re moving right, you can only go to Cardiff, which happens to have two points (top and bottom). Keep going like that.
Can you tell me the correct order of cities?
Cork, Cardiff, Southampton, Windsor, Gravesend, Amiens, Reims, Brussels
I think I found the right line but I don’t understand the text. Can you confirm I have it right?
Because there’s a (small) reward at the end of these three puzzles, we’re not gonna just give you the solution! However, this solution won’t make sense until you’ve solved the other two puzzles, so make sure you’ve done those too!